fredag 9 juli 2010

Ur: Xenophobe's guide to the Swedes

Boken pratar om hur äckligt exakta vi svenskar ska vara när vi delar på saker som betalningen av notan. Antingen betalar var person sin del, eller så betalar man lika mycket- den totala summan delat på antalet personer. Detta beteende för att slippa stå i skuld till och bli uppbunden vid någon annan, as simple as that. Här har ni en sann exempelhistoria att garva åt:

"An assistant professor at Lund University was appalled by this tit-for-tat mania when he arrived in Sweden as a refugee from Chile. He describes encountering a Swedish colleague at a language course in England. He decided to attempt some cultural engineering. 'Lets make a deal,' he suggested. 'In Sweden we've always done it your way and split the bill, but as long as we're in England let's do it my way and take turns treating each other. OK?'
The colleague reluctantly agreed. For two months they entertained each other á la chilienne. In fact the refugee professor happened to have more pocket money than his Swedish friend and enjoyed pampering him a little.
On the journey back to Sweden , just as the professor was silently congratulating himself for having weaned his friend off the nasty habit of bill-splitting, the latter cheerfully announced: 'By the way, Iv'e been doing the sums of what we spent in those English pubs, and I come out owing you 147 kronor."

Och så lite MLA works cited på det:
Berlin, Peter. Xenophobe's guide to the Swedes. London: Oval Books, 2008. Print.

Ja, sådan källhänvisning måste vi göra i min prettoskola för att överhuvudtaget bli godkända.

1 kommentar:

Anonym sa...

Very well done, Fanny. I see you're citing MLA too. Very nice!

/ Mr. Hill.